Dear community,
It has been a long journey since we started this company. Our vision has always been to create content that could help future players of Decentraland in an easy and intuitive way. Throughout our journey, we have been facing challenges and barriers that we were able to overcome with a lot of hard work and a dedicated team sacrificing everything for this project.
However, there was one thing we couldn’t solve. A man with a big desire to spam Twitter with suspicious giveaways where he offers ‘digital assets’ part of a collection called ‘Waifumons’. These ‘digital assets’ are also known by the crypto-enthusiasts as ‘NFTs’ (Non-Fungible Tokens), a phenomenon that has spread to millions of unemployed youth.

AaronLeupp says that everyone is a winner while rejecting that 10% of the world’s population lives in poverty.
Although the vast majority of our readers think that this is a silly anime image, the reality is that behind it lies a network of corruption and an attempt to eliminate the human race.
According to our private sources, AaronLeupp is trying to convert its followers to what we have identified as ‘SIMP’. This change in behavior generates a reduction in sexual performance of approximately 80% which translates into the end of the human population.
Our offer
Today is a big day for us because we have made an offer to AaronLeupp to buy Waifumons’ brand for $69USD, and then, remove the existence of the project forever. With that being said, we are only doing one exception that consists of letting his one great invention exist: the sexy duck that ejects NFTs.

We hope this big movement for the company significates a major experience on the Decentraland community and we are expectant Aaron’s and his team’s response.
– Tobik (CEO of Tobik LLC)